Trusting the Tiger: BBW Tiger Shifter Paranormal Romance Page 5
There wasn’t any path here, but Jack moved easily through the forest. Dappled sunlight lit his broad shoulders and bare arms as he held branches out of Toni’s way, and she tried not to stare. The faint sound of rushing water became louder. Was there a river ahead? She imagined relaxing in the cool water, letting all the tension in her muscles wash away … and maybe Jack would go for a swim, too…
Her attention wandering, Toni almost tripped over a tree root. Jack stopped and looked back at her.
“Are you okay?”
Toni blushed. Only so distracted by the thought of you without that shirt on that I’m tripping over my own feet, she thought, embarrassed. Out loud, she mumbled, “Um, yeah, no problem.”
It was hard to judge distance in the forest, but Toni guessed they must have made their way at least a few hundred yards off-track before they arrived at a thick cluster of trees. Jack darted ahead of her, moving confidently across the uneven ground, and pulled aside a fall of mossy branches.
“Oh, that’s … it’s beautiful,” Toni gasped, taken unawares.
She had thought the forest was lovely, but the scene revealed behind the thicket of trees was like something from a calendar. The ferns and leaf-mold gave way to smooth gray stones as the ground sloped toward the river. She immediately saw the source of the sound of rushing water. A few yards upstream, the river cascaded down in a miniature waterfall, sending rainbow arcs of spray into the air. Below the waterfall, the river widened into a broad, still pool. Sunlight poured in through a gap in the trees and set everything glittering.
Toni walked forward, drunk on the sheer natural beauty of the hidden grotto.
She turned back, open-mouthed. Jack stood in front of the thicket, grinning proudly. She could see that the trees she had walked through hid this place completely from outside view, and they were far enough from the bike path that they couldn’t hear any sign of other people. She could almost believe they were completely alone in the forest.
“It’s just … beautiful,” she repeated, knowing the word didn’t go nearly far enough to describe the place.
Jack ducked his head, although the proud grin still stretched across his face. “I found this spot before I bought Silver Forest. I think it’s what finally convinced me to buy the land. The rest of the forest is great, but this…” He looked down again, as though he was embarrassed. “It’s something special. I wanted to share it with you.”
Toni’s eyes widened. Share it with her?
She’d tried to tell herself that Jack was just being friendly by inviting her out today. She’d even wondered if he just felt sorry for her, being left on her own in the campground. But there was no pity in Jack’s eyes as he glanced up at her.
No matter how much she tried to convince herself otherwise, the more she thought about it, this whole thing seemed more like … a date.
Now there was a word so rusty it creaked. It wasn’t that Toni had given up on romance in the past few years, but the few times she had met up with online-dating matches probably couldn’t rightly be labelled ‘dates’. ‘Disasters’, yes, but…
A soft breeze floated along the riverbank, ruffling Jack’s hair. He was busily unpacking his backpack, and Toni let her gaze fall to his face. The strong, square jaw, softened by the gentle curve of his mouth. She wondered whether his lips were as soft as they looked.
“What do you think?” Jack asked.
Toni had been so focused on Jack himself that she hadn’t noticed what he was unpacking. She had assumed they’d be eating sandwiches, but lined up on the riverbank were piles of expensive-looking boxes of food, utensils, and – a half-sized bottle of champagne?
Toni gulped.
This was definitely a date.
She walked slowly over to Jack, trying not to show how amazed she was – by the location, the food, and the … date.
Unfortunately she was aware she was blushing far too much to make that believable.
“I didn’t realize this was that sort of picnic,” she said, pointing at the champagne. Jack’s face fell. “I didn’t – I mean – I’m not complaining. You know. If it is, um, that sort of picnic.”
She blushed. More. In fact she was beginning to think that if Jack had packed marshmallows and crackers, he could have cooked s’mores on her cheeks.
Jack was looking down at the feast spread in front of him as though he had suddenly realized he had got things horribly wrong. “Toni, I’m sorry. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable. This is too much, you’re right, we should go back—”
Toni sat down in front of him. The smooth river stones shifted under her, making a comfortable hollow for her to settle into. She looked across at Jack, aware her face was still burning. “No, this is fine. It’s more than fine. Really.”
She was surprised by how true that was. She felt confident that Karen and the other competent adults she had left Lexi and Felix with would look after the kids. And she had, after all, been looking forward to a little innocent flirtation.
Though maybe the champagne meant the flirtation wasn’t going to be that innocent…
She noticed, absently, that Jack’s eyes had taken on the same golden cast she thought she had seen the day before when he was walking through the clearing. Did he always have a gold ring around his pupils, or was it only when the sun caught his eyes?
Toni realized she had been staring into Jack’s eyes long enough that, now that she had noticed what she was doing, it became awkward. She looked away and her own eyes fell upon the unopened packages in front of Jack.
“What have we got here?” she asked, then cleared her throat. Her voice had gone all rough, and her mouth was suddenly dry. She licked her lips and glanced up to see Jack still watching her, his eyes glowing gold.
Jack stretched out his legs and leaned over, his previous moment of uncertainty dropping away. He looked across as her with a teasing smile, brown – golden-brown – eyes sparkling.
“I wasn’t sure what you would like, so I ordered … most of the menu, actually. Pastries, cold cuts, fruit … and the champagne,” he added. He smiled up at her as he poured her a glass, and all she could think about was the taste of his lips. She hadn’t noticed before how enticingly the corners of his mouth curved up when he smiled.
“Here,” he said, passing her a champagne flute, “to celebrate your first weekend at Silver Forest.”
The words the first of many slunk into Toni’s head. She pushed them away. Where did that come from?
To cover her distraction, she took a sip of champagne. The bubbles fizzed against her lips and she took another, slower sip, trying to gather her thoughts.
“This is wonderful, she said truthfully. “And everything smells delicious.” Now that the packages were out of the chilled pack, tantalizing scents were beginning to fill the air.
“What would you like to try first?” Jack asked, grinning happily. He picked up one of the containers and began to unwrap it.
“Wait,” Toni said quickly, “I want to choose.”
Jack laughed. “Without seeing what’s in them?”
“Exactly.” Toni licked her lips, which were still tingling. She ran her hands over the packages – stiff containers, little jars, mysterious items wrapped in sandwich paper and tape. Her eyes gleamed. “I pick something, and that’s what we eat first. Maybe it’s pastries, maybe it’s dessert … I want to be surprised.”
“Then go ahead,” Jack said, spreading his hands. “I leave our meal in your hands.”
Toni examined the pile of hidden treats. She picked up a cardboard box and inhaled deeply. “Mmm … I smell bready, crusty goodness…”
“The croissants?” Jack said hopefully.
Toni smiled slowly and set the box down.
“Be patient!”
She picked up a small, plastic container and felt its contents move as she lifted it. Small objects, not very heavy, shifted and settled as she held the package to her nose. Oh, yes.
“You know, this is the first picnic I�
�ve been on this summer,” she said, pulling off the lid. “So I think we should start with … summer berries.”
She revealed a basket of bright, juicy berries. Strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, and…
“What are these?” she wondered, plucking out one of the bright orange, raspberry-like berries.
“Those are cloudberries,” Jack explained. “So called because of their resemblance to, er, clouds.”
“Ah, yes,” Toni murmured. “Clouds are famously yellow, of course.” She popped the berry into her mouth. “Oh, that’s tart!”
“Here,” Jack said, putting his hand into the basket. “Something sweet to cut the taste.” He held out a bright red strawberry.
Toni started to reach for it, then paused. She didn’t like to assume, but he was holding the berry up a bit higher than was necessary for him to pass it to her. A bit closer to her mouth, in fact.
She leaned forward. The scent of the strawberry filled her nose, the sweet, fresh smell she had always associated with summer. And these berries looked so much better than any she ever saw in the stores back home. She opened her mouth.
The strawberry was delicious. It was, as she had expected, the best strawberry she had ever eaten. It definitely cut through the tartness of the cloudberry, just as Jack had said.
She barely noticed it.
Her lips closed around the red berry and just brushed against the tips of Jack’s fingers. Skin met warm skin and a jolt of heat burst from Toni’s lips directly to between her legs. She moaned – quietly, she had thought, but evidently not quietly enough. She met Jack’s eyes and knew he had heard her.
“Another?” he asked softly, his voice husky with desire. Toni’s whole body ached at the sound of his voice, his clear longing. It was as though that one touch had set off a fire inside her, and only the feel of his hands on her could quench it.
Or inflame it more.
“Yes,” she whispered. She blindly plucked another berry from the basket and, hand trembling, lifted it to his lips.
Jack kissed her fingers, and caught the blueberry between his teeth. Toni leaned toward him as he looked up, eyes burning gold under heavy lids. He pressed his lips against hers, crushing the berry between them. Juice burst against Toni’s teeth as she pushed hungrily into him, deepening the kiss.
Jack moved over her, cradling her head in one hand. Toni gasped as his other hand slid up the side of her body, his touch tantalizingly gentle.
Something cold landed on her shoulder. She broke the kiss and looked down, disconcerted. A plump, pink raspberry was nestled on her collarbone.
“Hmm,” Jack murmured. “Where did that come from?” He trailed kisses down her neck and kissed off the berry, carefully licking away all traces of juice. “Mmm. That’s better.”
Toni lay back on the smooth river stones, feeling them shift under her. Jack moved with her, covering her body with his. He was hot against her, the heat of his body burning through their clothes. He lowered himself further to nuzzle her collarbone and she felt the hard shaft of his erection press again her leg.
“O-oh,” Toni gasped. “I think … you’d better make sure there aren’t any more.”
She felt Jack smile against her skin, and then his hands were at the knot that tied her wraparound shirt in place. He took his time untying it, until Toni could have screamed with frustration. Then she felt the cool breeze running over her tops of her breasts as he pulled the fabric aside.
“Toni … God, you’re so gorgeous,” he whispered, as though he was under a spell he didn’t want to break. “I’m the luckiest man in the world.”
Toni squirmed under his gaze and he put one hand on her cheek, turning her head so she was looking straight into his eyes. “I’m not lying, Toni. You are the most exquisite woman I have ever seen. Your eyes, your lips – God, your breasts…” His hands ran over her, setting her skin on fire with lust. “I could just look at you forever.”
“Don’t,” she gasped, the berry game forgotten. “Don’t just look. I want you. Jack, I’ve never wanted anyone as much as I want you right now…”
He smiled slyly up at her, resting one cheek against her breast. Toni was wet already, wet and ready, desperately ready. A small part of her brain was surprised at herself – shocked even – but she ignored it. She had spent the last few years miserably failing to make any sort of connection with any man. Why shouldn’t she enjoy herself now she had the chance, even if it was just for the weekend?
Then he unhooked her bra and buried his face between her breasts, and all her thoughts flew away.
Jack caressed her breast, kissing his way up to her nipple and then teasing it with long, slow licks. She felt her tender skin stiffen and peak under his tongue and a jolt of arousal sparked between her legs. Shamelessly, she pressed herself against him, finding the hard bulge in his trousers and rubbing herself against it. “I need you,” she moaned, and was rewarded with an inarticulate groan that reverberated against her skin.
He fumbled with her fly and she raised herself against him just as he loosened her pants to pull them down over her ass, and his hand pressed between her legs. She almost came just from the feel of him touching her. Her whole body quivered as he gently pressed his fingers into her folds. He brushed against the nub of her clit and she gasped, quivering against him.
“May I?” he murmured, looking up at her through those dark lashes. His pupils were huge with lust, the irises no more than a thin gold band. Toni almost cried out with frustration.
“Yes – please!” she gasped.
He lowered himself against her, his lips brushing against her round stomach, her hips, the delicate skin at the tops of her legs. Then he buried his face between her legs, his tongue darting out to taste her, to explore every inch of her most intimate place. She moaned as he found her clit again and teased it, circling it with his tongue. One of his hands slid under her ass and squeezed. Her body thrilled at his touch – at his touching her everywhere. But it wasn’t enough. She strained against him. “Please – I need you inside me.”
He moaned something against her and she felt his fingers probe the slick flesh of her pussy. God, she was so wet. Her body was thrumming with desire, she just needed – she needed—
Jack dipped one finger inside her, then another, moving them slowly in and out. Her body reacted instinctively, tightening around him so that she could feel every inch he pressed inside her. His fingers brushed a sensitive spot inside her and she flexed into the touch. Yes, she thought desperately. There, there –
Toni cried out as her orgasm built and broke inside her, sending shockwaves of pleasure through her body. Her pussy clenched against Jack’s soaking fingers as he rubbed against her g-spot, drawing every last whimper and shudder out of her orgasm.
“Oh, my God,” she murmured as she relaxed back on to the stony bank. “Jack, that was … that was…”
Words failed her. She stopped trying to describe it and simply flung her arms wide, sighing in satisfaction.
Jack traced a pattern on her thigh. Her skin still thrilled under his touch. Even though she had just had the most immense orgasm of her life, she felt her body respond to him.
“Do you want…” she started, still tongue-tied from exhausted satisfaction. Jack sat up and looked down at her with a look of distinct smugness on his face.
“Do I want … lunch?” he asked innocently.
Toni groaned and mock-slapped his arm. He grabbed his hand and planted a kiss on it.
“No – I think I want a swim,” he decided, eyes dancing wickedly.
In one fluid motion he stood up and stripped off his shirt, revealing a tanned, muscled chest and the tempting hint of a treasure-trail leading under his pants. He winked at her, turned around and unfastened his belt. His back was broad, with long, lean muscles moving smoothly under his skin. He pulled off his pants and stood naked in front of Toni, looking back at her over his shoulder.
“Feel free to join me,” he murmured over his shoul
der, and slid effortlessly into the water.
Toni raised herself up on her elbows and enjoyed the sight of Jack ducking under the water and surfacing, every inch of him glistening in the sunlight. He was without a doubt the most handsome man she had ever seen. If she didn’t have the evidence of her missing shirt and swooning body to hand, she wouldn’t have believed he would ever be interested in a girl like her.
But interested he was. More than interested. Toni had never had any man treat her like this. Jack looked at her like she was a goddess; she was used to men ignoring her curves, or putting up with them, but Jack had embraced every plump inch of her body as though he couldn’t get enough of her.
And she couldn’t get enough of him. Her orgasm hadn’t left her sated – just the opposite. She was bursting with energy, on fire with longing. She wanted more. She wanted more, now.
Toni stood up, leaving her shirt on the ground. Her shorts and panties were already around her ankles; she stepped out of them. Jack was watching her from the pool, eyes dark with lust. She took a few unsteady steps toward the river, Jack’s eyes tracking her every movement.
She put one foot in the water. “Oh – it’s cold!”
“It’s warmer over here,” Jack replied. She looked over at him. The water was very clear – and even taking into account the fact that things under water looked a bit different due to the way the water bent the light, she could tell that he wasn’t having any issues with the cold. His cock was thick and long, and ready for her. Just like she was ready for him. She took another step and shivered with anticipation.
Jack swam up to her. The river bed was shallow where she was standing, but quickly fell away, so that while she was only ankle-deep he, only a few feet away, was treading water. “Come on in,” he said invitingly. “I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”
“You already made it worth my while on the shore,” Toni countered. Goosebumps were making their way up her legs. Despite the warm weather, the river was almost icy.
“Hmm,” Jack hummed non-commitally. “I think I have something more to offer.”